Der bekannte niederländische Schriftsteller Leon de Winter betreibt seit dem 03. Oktober 05 eine eigenes Weblog mit dem Titel “the free west” auf “” in englischer Sprache. In der “Welt” spricht er über seine Beweggründe und die Inhalte seines Weblogs.

” From now on I shall write my weblog daily and give you my thoughts about what’s on my mind and what’s infuriating me or what’s making me happy. (I’m afraid it will me more about the infuriating things). I will show you the links to interesting articles and to commentaries I find on the internet.

The title of my pages is The Free West. It is not a random title. It is something I believe in. I am a secular person but I deeply believe – in an almost religious way – in the freedoms our western societies have achieved through sacrifice, pain, suffering, and through the collective intellectual and emotional efforts of millions of human beings who have shaped our pasts. “

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